Submitting a New Patient Intake Form
1. Navigate to the Patient Submission
2. Go to New Patient
3. Select the Setting icon and from the action dropdown select Live.
Note - This will take you to the "New Patient Intake Form" form
Patients can also access this form from your website
Users can send an invite from dashboard to patients
- Fill out the whole form
Note: All fields in red are "required" and yellow are "optional" to fill up!
4. Get Started Screen
- Start New
- Fill out submitter information and select "next"
- Save the "Pin" to be able to gain access to this again
- Fill submitter email and pin and select "Find Saved"
- Fill out the New PT form
5. Finishing new patient form
- User can "Save and Exit" after filling up the form partially and come back later to complete the new patient form!
These records will show as "In progress"
Note: The pin will be required to log back in!
- After all required fields are completed users can "Submit" to finalize.
These records will show as "Completed"
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